We've been having some technical difficulties - our home computer is being a bit difficult. We've made other arrangements, though, in response to the angry emails we've been receiving. So here you go: a mega-post. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
The C-Man has been doing great. Besides growing about three feet (exaggeration), he's sitting and rolling effortlessly, and can even crawl now. Well, he can crawl backwards - we're still working on moving forward.
Great news, though - spring is here! Mom and Dad look forward to lots of walks around the neighborhood, and trips to exciting places. We'll do a better job of keeping you all in the loop. Enjoy!

Colin enjoyed his Easter gifts from Mimi. I mean, he really enjoyed them.

Getting ready for opening day.

Taking an early interest in reading with Uncle B.
Colin's Easter outfit was a big hit with everybody except Colin. He lost the hat, jacket and shoes pretty quickly.

The prince on his throne.
Guess which one of us is posing.
Practicing free throws for his future Final 4 appearance.

We took this one before Daddy and Colin went for a nice walk at Jamaica Pond. It got up to 60 degrees! Colin loved the ducks, and finally getting to spend some time outside, but he was pretty happy to see Mommy at the end of the day. Go Gamecocks!
Eating is sometimes really difficult.
Now we're ready for the season. "You got my money? Don't make me come lookin' for you!"

Ready for a round of golf. Almost.