Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gone Baptizin'

Just two days left before the big day. I know he can't speak yet, but if he could he might say something like:

Oh, Bartholomew, I feel like St. Augustine of Hippo after his conversion by Ambrose of Milan.

For the sake of all our "associates," I hope Patrick shows some mercy in settling all family business:

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello Again.

I know, I know - I haven't posted in over a week. Here are some recent pics. Thanks for your patience!
I wonder where he got this T-shirt.

Colin always seems to behave when Christina's around. We might have to set up another guest room in the basement.

Yeah. This sight would make anyone cry.

I yam what I yam.

I call this look "Blue Steel."

This one is "Ferrari."

Colin went to watch his 2nd cousin Sean (#7) play QB on Saturday.

Friday, September 14, 2007

How Was I To Know There Was A Party Going On?

As promised, action shots. Colin performs all his own stunts.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Go Pats

Er, I mean "Go Giants." Um. Patriots. Giants. Whatever, just feed me.

Colin enjoyed his first football game this weekend. He was a supportive, if not entirely enthusiastic, fan. His Uncle B came to visit and didn't really put him down all weekend.

Game 1, Season 1.

Somebody finally found a way to turn the volume down.

If you haven't seen "kid Brown" in a while, these pictures might lead you to believe that he sleeps all the time. Not true! In reality, Colin leads quite an active lifestyle. I'll try to catch him in action for the next post.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Men's Fall Fashion Line

Little yellow bugs are all the rage in Paris this year.

This one actually belonged to Uncle B. Funny how fashion is cyclicle.

"Yes, I'm wearing a sailor suit after Labor Day. And I don't care."

Enough is enough. Get this monkey suit off me.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Here's Colin in his first church outfit.

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye. It was a really great weekend. Here is a picture of four generations of McElroy:

Who's Better'n Us?

Colin's first visit to the beach. He took really well to it. The weather didn't hurt - we had one of those classic Labor Day Weekend beach days. Life is pretty good, I think.

Introducing Mimi and Nanny

Mimi Brown had waited a long time to see her Grandson again. Being back in Sag Harbor brought back a lot of memories - for Dad and for everyone else, I think. And while Mimi, Nanny and Ray did some baby-sitting, Mom and Dad got a little R&R.

Nanny dusted off some old lullabyes and really bonded with Colin.

Vacation - All I Ever Wanted

We're off to visit Grandma Brown and Great-Grandma Grealy in Sag Harbor. Here we are on the Cross-Sound Ferry.

Leisure Time

Colin watched the Yanks-Sox series last week. Mom let him hang out with the guys for a while.

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