Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's All Happenin' At the Zoo

We didn't take the cross-town bus, but we did pile into the Pilot for Colin's first trip to the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence. He was a little more interested in all the little kids running around than the actual animals, but he had a blast.

He loved the butterfly exhibit, though.

(Insert Lawyer Joke Here)

This is a non-Colin post, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want. K and I cruised down to Manhattan a couple of weeks ago to witness the commencement exercises at New York Law School. Congratulations, Patrick! Now you have a whole summer of studying to look forward to. At least we had a good weekend...

Juris doctor and fiancee. Well-done.

Avery-Fisher Hall is a pretty sweet place to have a graduation.

Summer Preview

I'm going to wrap up the last three weekends today. First, we hit the Vineyard earlier this month to celebrate Kerry's birthday.

Does it really get any better than this?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Standing Tall

Wasn't that the name of a Steven Segal movie? Anyway, here are some random pics that Mom took this morning. The C-Man seems to be getting a kick out of this. He'll be crawling any day now, and I suppose it's just a matter of time before he's running all over the place.

Colin scored points with Mom's birthday present. Let's hope Mother's Day goes smoothly too.