Monday, September 10, 2007

Go Pats

Er, I mean "Go Giants." Um. Patriots. Giants. Whatever, just feed me.

Colin enjoyed his first football game this weekend. He was a supportive, if not entirely enthusiastic, fan. His Uncle B came to visit and didn't really put him down all weekend.

Game 1, Season 1.

Somebody finally found a way to turn the volume down.

If you haven't seen "kid Brown" in a while, these pictures might lead you to believe that he sleeps all the time. Not true! In reality, Colin leads quite an active lifestyle. I'll try to catch him in action for the next post.


Mama KK said...

Definitely the cutest Patriots fan ever...

LK said...

Don't think I have ever seen someone look that good in warm-up pants! Colin is stylin' in everything he does!!

Kristen said...

What a cute little fan. Looks like Uncle B has the magic touch.

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