Tuesday, November 4, 2008


You guys win. I was trying to phase out this blog thing, but all I got was a lot of flack from you people (I'm talking to you, Mrs. Z!). So I'm starting it back up. I'll try to update it as often as I can, but some photos may be posted out of chronological order.
For example, I've got a ton of pics from the summer to show you guys, but I couldn't resist giving you these Halloween shots. Enjoy!
(Also, I know many of you have a gmail account by know. If so, I encourage you to post comments. It's way more fun that way.)


Man from Mars, Woman from Venus and food from NJ said...

Yay! Elmo is back!!!

Anonymous said...

....YES!!! He is sOOOOOOOOOO adorable. Thanks Mike!!!